Tuesday 21st April marks National Tea Day’s fifth anniversary and there has never been a more important time to bring people together over a cup of tea.
This year, as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, National Tea Day will be moving to a virtual platform, but that won’t stop them from bringing the nation together insolidari-tea and sharing a brew, as they aim to host Britain’s biggest virtual tea party via Facebook on 21st April.
To ensure that as many people as possible can join the par-tea and specifically, those alone in isolation, National Tea Day 2020 has created a pledge scheme to ensure that no one is left out. 7 out of 10 people know someone who is lonely and this National Tea Day you can help bring that number down with a generous act of kindness via a donation of tea and teatime treats that will help combat that feeling of isolation.
Donations will fund par-tea packs for the lonely, vulnerable and heroic, by provisioning Barchester and Audley care homes and Nuffield Health hospitals, which have been made available to support NHS trusts in this difficult time, with more than 10,000 par-tea packs, including tea, cakes, biscuits, bunting and balloons.
Every £10 donation will not only ensure par-tea packs get to those who need them most but also provide £4 to UK’s leading mental health charity and National Tea Daypartner, Mind, to support those dealing with isolation and combatting loneliness.
Diaz Ayub, National Tea Day Founder, commented: “Our mission is to bring people together and make them feel part of something special. We believe in the power of tea to unite us in times of need, helping combat feelings of loneliness, anxiety and depression. Your generous pledges will help us provide care homes and NHS hospitals with more than 10,000 party packs and make a difference to many more through our charity partnership with Mind.
“It’s never been more important to talk about the mental impact of isolation and loneliness. That’s why we’re proud to support Mind as our official charity partner in raising awareness around mental health. We would love to see everyone get involved, come together, and share a virtual brew on National Tea Day 2020.”
Whether you like it weak or strong, sugary or sweet, in times of trouble, often there is nothing more reassuring than popping the kettle on and having Britain’s favourite drink.
To find out more, and donate to the National Tea Day 2020 pledge, visit: https://www.gofundme.com/f/solidaritea-2020