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Help to shape Newark’s cultural future

Posted onPosted on 23rd Feb
Help to shape Newark’s cultural future

Residents and visitors to Newark are being invited to have their say on the town’s cultural activities and how best to promote and celebrate its history and heritage.

As part of Newark’s High Street Heritage Action Zone (HSHAZ) project, which is being funded by Historic England, a three-year cultural programme has been developed, titled Newark Creates.

Newark and Sherwood District Council and Inspire, the lead project partner, have opened a public consultation to understand more about Newark’s residents and visitors, what cultural activities they already engage with and what town centre experiences they would like to see on offer.

The cultural programme will be built and led by Newark’s Cultural Consortium, which is made up of local organisations including Inspire, Newark Civic Trust, Newark Heritage Trust, Newark Book Festival, Newark and Sherwood CVS and Newark and Sherwood College (Schools of Violin, Piano and Woodwind).

Newark Conservation Area was granted £275,000 from Historic England to restore and unlock its heritage potential and the initiative will breathe new life into town centres by revitalising old buildings and regenerate a vibrant place for locals, businesses and visitors.

The public can complete a survey at For information on the High Street Heritage Action Zone, visit
