Newark and Sherwood District Council tenants are being asked to provide feedback on the council’s Tenant Annual Report in a bid to ensure tenants see the information they want and need on the performance of housing services and how tenants can be engaged to feedback and influence existing and new services.
The council is required to provide tenants with a report each year and the results of the consultation will help to shape how the next report (that will be published this summer) will look and its content.
Coun Tim Wendels, chairman of Homes and Communities Committee, said: “Whilst we have a statutory duty to provide information to tenants in the form of an annual report, we are keen to ensure that tenants have a say in the information they are provided with and how it is being presented.
“Their feedback will be used to plan future annual reports, ensuring the information provided is useful and relevant. We are currently developing a new tenant engagement strategy and this consultation is just one example of how we are actively encouraging and inviting tenants from across the district to input into the service we deliver.
“I encourage any Newark and Sherwood District Council tenant to read the latest report and let us know their comments by filling out our survey.”
Tenants can read the council’s Tenant Annual Report 2019/20 at:
Tenants who would like to provide feedback on the report can do so at:
The short survey will approximately take between 5 to 10 minutes to complete and is anonymous. No personal details will be asked for.
The survey will close at 9am on Monday, 19 April.