Students at Magnus C of E Academy celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with a tea party for this term’s Academy Stars — and at lunchtime, Magnus cadets paraded and year 7 students sang the national anthem.
Year 7 students also completed time capsule cards with a memory of what life is like in 2022 or a message for the Queen.
The cards will be gathered into a commemorative book, kept at the Magnus school archives for future generations of students to look back on.
Mark Peyton, assistant principal, said: “We wanted to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee as a school because it is important to celebrate such a historical event, one that we will never experience again.
“Her Majesty is a great role model for good character, excellence and service to the community, which is the foundation for our vision at Magnus. Our academy stars this half term were selected to join the jubilee tea party for being students who made the greatest improvement in attendance, attitude to learning and participation in school life over the last half-term.
“During our jubilee celebrations our Combined Cadet Force paraded, year 7 sang the national anthem and completed time capsule cards to capture this moment for future Magnus students to look back on.”