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Nominate inspirational young people for awards

Posted onPosted on 27th Feb

Nominations are wanted for the Live Our Best Lives Awards, which highlight inspirational young people in Nottinghamshire.

The awards ceremony will take place on Friday, 9th May at Nottinghamshire Police’s Sherwood Lodge headquarters.

The force has been hosting the awards since February 2021,

Parents, guardians, youth workers, teachers, coaches, carers, and professionals are being invited to nominate any young person who has made an exceptional contribution to their community and deserves to be celebrated.

The awards are available to anyone aged between nine and 18 who lives or goes to school in the county.

Nottinghamshire Police’s Prevention Hub recognises the achievements of young people across the county who have shown resilience, selflessness or have done something inspirational in the last year.

This year each category winner and runner-up will be invited to the awards evening where winners will receive trophies, with both winners and runners-up receiving framed certificates.

The award nomination categories are:

Lyrico Steede Award – awarded to a young person who may have been involved in gangs, knife crime or other criminality but has made significant progress and inspired others.
Rising Above Adversity Award – goes to a young person who, despite their background or upbringing, is an inspiration to others.
Youth Impact Award – awarded to a young person who is leading by example and is a role model to their peers through student, sport, or youth work.
Youth Creative Excellence Award – for young talents who have contributed to the arts and cultural enrichment of their community through singing, dancing, acting or anything creative.
Community Hero Award – for young individuals who have demonstrated exceptional commitment to their community.
Inspiring Young Minds Award – awarded to someone who has done something inspirational and shown incredible resilience or something selfless to help others.

Nominations close at 6pm on Sunday, 30th March before a panel of judges select the six winners and runners-up.

To nominate a young person, go to
