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We've Got Newark and Sherwood Covered


Join garden recycling service for a greener district

Posted onPosted on 27th Feb

Households in Newark and Sherwood are invited to become greener and to save on trips to the tip by joining or renewing their membership of the district’s garden recycling service.

By converting garden waste to compost that helps plants and vegetation grow and diverting it from landfill, fewer greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere.

Garden recycling tonnage has increased in recent years but Newark and Sherwood District Council is aiming to improve its collection rates as part of its commitment to improving the environment.

The council has pledged to become greener in all aspects of its operations, while last year it declared a Climate Emergency and has since been investigating ways of reducing its carbon footprint.

This year, the council will be running the entire garden recycling service throughout the district. All subscriptions and operations will be run by the district council and residents will no longer deal with neighbouring councils.

Renewal letters to existing customers have been sent out throughout February, inviting residents to continue their participation in the scheme with an annual subscription of £35. Once customers have renewed, they will receive a letter with the new sticker. From April, bins without the new 2020 sticker will not be emptied.

There is no change to the type of green waste you can put in your brown bin:
·Grass cuttings
·Hedge trimmings
·Small branches and twigs (up to 10cm in diameter)
·Plants and weeds
·Cut flowers

For £35 a year you will receive a brown bin and an all year-round collection service – every two weeks between March and November, and monthly from December to February. Additional bins are available at £35 each. The service runs from April 1 until March 31. Upon receipt of payment you will be given a sticker to place on your bin. Only bins with stickers on will be collected.

Coun Roger Jackson, chairman of the council’s leisure and environment committee, said: “Our garden recycling service offers our residents an exceptional value and it’s better for the environment. It makes no sense for our customers to drive to dispose of their waste when the council can pick it up on their regular bins rounds.

“With Newark and Sherwood District Council providing the service exclusively throughout the district for the first time we can better meet our recycling ambitions, serve and meet the needs of our customers and help preserve the planet.”

Customer Ruth Murray, who lives in Southwell, said: “As a family we love gardening, especially growing our own fruit and veg which means we really appreciate the value of good compost.

“Much of our garden waste goes into our own compost, but as our garden is split into two often it’s easier to use the brown bin for waste from the other part of the garden. That way we know that someone will still get the benefit of all those nutrients.”

• For more information on the garden recycling collection service go to

Pictured, from left, are Jacob; Coun Penny Rainbow, vice-chairman of the district council’s leisure and environment committee; Coun Roger Jackson, chairman of the district council’s leisure and environment committee (centre); Jemima and Ruth Murray.
