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Coronavirus – Message from Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner

Posted onPosted on 2nd Apr

Paddy Tipping, Nottinghamshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, has issued the following statement in light of the continuing coronavirus crisis:

Coronavirus is a global health emergency and together with our partners we are working hard to keep people safe. During this period of uncertainty, we are continuing to provide essential services to protect vulnerable people including victims of crime.

As Nottinghamshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, I commission (fund) a wide range of services, all of which have been affected by the growing pandemic. We are working with these providers to modify service arrangements, plan ahead and increase our resources where appropriate to meet growing demand and ensure those who need help urgently receive it.

We are doing everything possible to maintain accessibility while also complying with public health advice and taking necessary precautions to protect staff and service users. Through these channels of support, we will reduce demand on the police and other emergency services during this unprecedented time.

Protecting vulnerable people remains a priority and I am committed to ensuring help and support is available for those who need it.

Further updates may follow but currently:

All commissioned services to support victims and survivors of crime remain fully available although these are now largely being delivered remotely via phone/online for the purposes of social distancing. The only exceptions to this are Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARCs) which remain open for victims and survivors of sexual violence.

During this crisis, I understand that fear and anxiety may be heightened for those who have suffered or are suffering domestic abuse. I am working very closely with Nottinghamshire Police and our local authority partners to urgently identify how we can increase capacity to ensure victims receive the additional help they need. Further updates will follow.

To access domestic abuse help now call the 24 hour free domestic abuse helpline: 0808 800 0340. The helpline has high demand at the moment, you can also access help by emailing [email protected]

To get help from a Sexual Assault Referral Centre call 0800 085 9993 (adults) and 0800 183 0023 (children and young people)

All other victims of crime can contact Victim CARE for help on 0800 374 7575

Services for vulnerable people coping with substance misuse continue to operate although elements of this support are now being delivered remotely via phone/online. Face to face contact will only continue where deemed absolutely necessary.

At the present time, services to support and mentor young people and communities have temporarily ceased in their current format. However, providers are working hard to adapt to the new climate and identify other ways of delivering support in the future. Our Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) is also continuing to operate.

If you are already receiving help or support, please contact the service directly for more information on changes to provision and service arrangements.
