Newark and Sherwood District Council has launched its application form for businesses to apply for financial support if they were affected when Newark and Sherwood entered Tier 4 and the latest national lockdown.
The application form will close at 5pm on Friday, 29 January,. All businesses are urged to apply as soon as possible and the council has officers ready to start processing grant payments immediately. More than £4 million of financial support grants have already been paid to 1,343 eligible businesses in Newark and Sherwood.
Grants available include:
•Local Restrictions Support Grant (Closed) – Support for businesses in the hospitality, accommodation, beauty and leisure sectors that have legally been forced to close under Tier 4 restrictions of up to £3,000 for 4 weeks
•Local Restrictions Support Grant (Closed) – Support for businesses that have legally been forced to close under the conditions of the national lockdown of up to £1,500 for 2 weeks
•National Restrictions Lockdown Grant – One off top up support for businesses that have legally been forced to close under the conditions of the national lockdown of up to £9,000
•Additional Restrictions Grant (referred to as the Local Business Support) – Support for businesses affected by reduced trading conditions experienced during national lockdown. Focusing on the hospitality, accommodation, beauty and leisure sectors, non-essential retail and their supply chains
More information about each grant and the eligibility criteria can be found on the Newark and Sherwood District Council website.
One application form has been developed to make it as simple as possible for eligible businesses to apply. The application form can be accessed on the Council website:
Charlotte Hamilton, owner of Charlotte Hamilton School of Dance, a dance school located in Balderton, was one of many successful businesses to receive a financial support grant in November.
She said: “Can I just say thank you to everyone for all the help that they’ve given me through this Covid crisis. The business rates department have been outstanding and have certainly gone above and beyond in their efforts to help local businesses. Thank you again for all of your hard work. It has been very much appreciated.”
Coun David Lloyd, leader of Newark and Sherwood District Council, said “We understand that 2021 hasn’t started like anyone hoped it would and we appreciate this continues to be a difficult time for businesses in particular. Therefore I encourage those that are eligible for financial support grants to complete the online form as soon as possible. There is one single web form that captures all the information necessary to apply and our officers are working hard to process these as quickly as possible.
“We have already paid more than four million pounds in financial support so far and the Council will continue to do all it can to support our businesses now and in the future.”
If any business has any questions, they should contact Newark and Sherwood District Council by emailing [email protected] or by calling 01636 650 000.