07973 379448 | [email protected]
Inholms Gardens, NEWARK-ON-TRENT, Nottinghamshire, NG23 5LQ
www.spikephoto.com | Instagram | YouTube
About Spike Photography
My background is working for newspapers, so I know the kind of pictures they look for and my work gets published so it gets great results for my clients.
Based in Robin Hood county – Nottingham, England I have a studio there and can also do location work around the East Midlands, including Derby, Leicester, Lincoln and Northampton too. If need be, I can go further afield, to Sheffield, Leeds, Birmingham and of course to London.
I started work as a photographer in 1983, working freelance and then as a staffer for newspapers. Although my name is Paul, most people know me as ‘Spike’ after my nickname picked up in the eighties when I had a spikey gelled hairstyle.
After deciding I wanted to run my own business, I started Spike Photography in 1991 and have gained several awards for my photography and business. Two of the photographers who worked for me have gone on to run their own successful firms. I won the title of United Kingdom Pictorial Master Photographer of the Year in 1995/96, the Parcelforce Worldwide East Midlands Small Business of the Year, the Nottingham Lord Mayor’s Award for Industry and also awards from the Soroptomists and Ernst & Young.